Centre for open & distance learning ODL English examination paper

Centre for open & distance learning ODL English examination paper Mzuzu university - Mzuzu; Mzuni, 2018-2019. - Various pagins ill 30 cm


Communication skills l--Past paper
English for academic purposes--Past paper
Communication theory--Past paper
Mass communication--Past paper
Human communication--Past paper
Communication skills 11--Past paper
Introduction to oral literature--Past paper
Introduction to the English novel--Past paper
Introduction to phonetics and phonology--Past paper
Grammar of English language --Past paper
Professional writing--Past paper
Principles of management--Past paper
Sociolinguistics--Past paper
Persuasion theory and practice--Past paper
Modern Dramatic literature and play production--Past paper
African poetry in Diaspora--Past paper
Discourse Analysis--Past paper
Translation theory and practice

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